Sunday, 23 October 2016

Where were our hoodies?

So. This is Saggy, sitting on Moo’s lap. Don’t laugh at the bows.

In the 1950s it was ‘de rigueur’ for girls to wear pretty dresses, ankle socks, shiny shoes and big bows in their hair. Even playing in the garden, going shopping or strolling down the road for our mother to show off how neat and tidy we were. No elasticated waist jeans, my friend. No easy-wash tee shirts.

Saggy, a couple of years later. Still in pretty dress, ankle socks and shiny shoes. Playing in the garden. Honest to goodness.

We grew into neat and tidy Grammar School girls, who even wore their school blazers over their ordinary dresses when on a day out with their family! What craziness is this? Honest to goodness again. Where are our comfy trainers? Our hoodies? Even our poor little squidge of a brother is in his primary school blazer. If we had known any better we would have rebelled, but it hadn’t been invented yet.

Saggy stayed tidy while at the beginning of her teenage years. Still rocking the short pretty dress style here. Not a look that would suit Saggy now. 

This apparition of neat-and-tidiness didn’t last through to the end of the teenage years. Obvs. 

Here is a scruffy Saggy sitting on Moo’s settee instead of her lap. In a tee shirt at last!

Saggy is by now bigger than Moo so it’s just as well. Moo is at this point married with a kid, and her new domesticity is a draw for an A-level student who doesn’t know what to do with her spare time. Apart from nick Horlick’s from her sister’s kitchen cupboards.

Moo being gracious about the Horlicks because she is distracted....

I don’t know about you but I think Horlicks tastes nicer straight off the spoon out of the jar. Dry. Especially if it’s sneaked out of your sister’s cupboards without her knowing.

Oh, wait. She did. She took the photo….


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