Friday, 24 March 2017


It's spring again, and just as the sap rises in the trees the urge comes over me to get out in the garden and start planting stuff. It has happened every year, ever since the first time I planted marigold seeds and watched them germinate and grow into flowers, all those years ago when I was a young mum. The magic has never faded.
Gone are the glory days when my vegetable plot was flourishing and the pots and tubs on my patio were bright with summer flowers.  However, the urge to plant and tend my garden still comes on strong, especially in spring.

I'm not giving up altogether; how could I? But things have been scaled back big time in the last few years due to arthritis and the needs of a young dog.

So this year, if I can keep the dog out of the raised beds, I shall restrict myself to growing spinach, runner beans, tomatoes and of course rhubarb, which kind of grows itself without much effort from me. Then I might decide to make my annual batch of rhubarb wine.

I've been doing that for several years now, with mixed results. So if I gave you a bottle of it at any time and it wasn't any good, I'm sorry! Some of it turned out great. It's a bit of a lottery to be honest, but great fun.

My Mum always used to say we were growing like rhubarb, which I thought was an odd thing to say. Now I know what she meant. This stuff is shooting up so fast!

The only other thing I’ve got around to in the garden so far, apart from a spot of weeding, is to start off some spinach seeds. They’re looking a bit sad at the moment but I’m sure they’ll buck up once they get outside.

Still, it’s not Easter yet. There’s time to get sorted before planting time really starts. Meanwhile, I can get on with my other passions - drawing, painting and photography. It’s taking most of my time figuring out how to work my new camera.

So many interests, so little time…

Anyway, I guess it's having a passion of some sort (or several, why not?) that keeps you young and engaging with life. 

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