Friday, 6 July 2018

Caught with his phone out...

So, you take your Dad out for lunch to celebrate his 89th birthday and this is what happens…
And they say young people can’t leave their phones alone at the table!

That said, it’s nice to have parents who have smart phones. 
That said, they don’t always know what to do with them...

To be fair though, I think our Ma and Pa do very well indeed with their technology as far as it goes. They aren’t sitting in their armchairs moaning about young people all the time. [Just some of the time - Saggy]

But then, neither Pa nor Ma act like old people anyway. As far back as I can remember they don’t ever seem to have acted like adults either. I can’t believe they are both entering their 90th years. Apart from a tendency to mention the war years and/or the 1930s in every other sentence, they both have a surprisingly un-elderly attitude to life.

It was lovely to spend time with them just chatting, having lunch… and taking pics of each other on our phones.

Many happy returns Dad!

Saggy eating sticky toffee pudding. Phone on table. 

Moo eating sticky toffee pudding. Phone hidden.

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