Friday, 20 January 2017

On Yer Bike!

Several years ago I was in a situation where I was on the operating table in the process of dying, but emergency surgery saved my life.

I was told that it would take me 6-12 months to recover emotionally and physically. But what the Consultant said surprised me. Instead of the the antidepressants that I was expecting him to offer me, he said, and I quote;

'Get out into nature. Feel the sun on your face and the wind in your hair. God didn't make man to sit inside concrete buildings all day.'

Feeling fragile, I knew I couldn't go on hikes or straight away cycle up hills. What I needed was fresh air and green calm. So I made one appointment a day that was non-negotiable: I strolled along the lane and sat in a field. And did nothing. I just gazed at the view and breathed in the air and watched the clouds. If it was raining, I wore a raincoat and took bin bags to sit on. If it was cold, I wore gloves and a scarf. If it was sunny, I wore sun glasses.

I was lucky in that we lived in a house that sat beside fields and green space, but if I had been in a town, I would have strolled to the park, got on a bus to the hills, wandered around looking for trees, anything to get out of the four walls.

And slowly I recovered. My husband bought me a bike and I started to ride along easy cycle paths. I gained strength and soon was able to join my friends Nina and Caro on an all-day bike ride. Though I was always behind....

And although that was years ago, I still remember that NHS Consultant and his advice: the sun and fresh air and 'nature' can be more beneficial than antidepressants. Exercise does your mind and heart good, as well as your body. So now, every time I feel tired and stressed, I think, 'On yer bike!'.

And it works...


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