Thursday, 4 October 2018

It was going so well...

In the interests of improved health, increased energy, better sleep and general well-being I decided a few weeks ago to cut right down on my sugar intake. I was delighted with how well it was going.
No biscuits, no cake, no desserts, no sugar filled processed food… well, almost!
I allowed myself a dessert when we went out for a birthday dinner.
I've had one square of high quality chocolate very occasionally.
My son gave me a box of chocolates for my birthday two weeks ago and I have had ONE of them on two separate days. A Sunday treat. So proud of myself!
My sleep started to improve. I cut down on the painkillers I was taking. Not saying I’ve lost any weight though – I’m too cowardly to step on the scales and my clothes aren’t getting any looser yet.
Progress has been a bit slow, but I WAS getting there.
And then I went to a coffee morning. Not just any old coffee morning either. This was a fund raising charity Macmillan Coffee Morning run by a very talented cake maker and her equally talented cake making friends. You should have seen the cakes that were there! A table in the lounge groaned under its load of beautiful cupcakes packaged in their attractive boxes. In another room there were sponge cakes, chocolate cakes, you-name-it cakes…

Then there was this amazing lemon drizzle cake. It had our name on it because we had ordered it with deliberate gluttony aforethought….  

So the question is this ... is it OK to eat cake if its for charity? 

Long story short, although we bought two boxes of cupcakes I didn’t actually eat any of them. Iron willpower, eh! But the lemon drizzle was another matter.
To be honest, I can quite easily resist cakes with icing and stuff, but give me a good moist lemony drizzle cake and I have practically no willpower to get me past it. After the first couple of slices I had to whip the rest into the freezer before I demolished the lot.
The trouble is, once you fall off the wagon you start thinking along the lines of ‘in for a penny, in for a pound’ and ‘might as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb’ etc. So after a careless couple of days of increased sugar intake one way and another, and paying the price health wise, I’m back on the wagon because I feel so much better that way.
What happened to the cupcakes if I didn’t eat them? Well, naturally  I spent a happy hour or two photographing them. It’s what I do.

Then we gave them away…

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