Friday, 30 November 2018

What would we do without Pinterest?

Dark days, I haven’t been out with my camera for a week so I was climbing the walls with frustration. The weather has just been too bad, and the days so short.

So, I decided to make the best of things and find other – indoor – creative outlets.
This week I’ve been attempting to paint on glass, inspired by Pinterest posts. I went to town to see if I could find any suitable glass jars in charity shops to practice on, but no. So I bought a cheap jar in Wilko’s and also found a source of chalk paint there.
I thought I’d better have a practice go with the cheap jar before I risk investing in the Ball and Mason jars which I admire so much. They don’t seem to be as common here as in USA.

So this is my version. Add a few silk flowers and I’m fairly pleased with it. I’m prepared to invest in the fancy jars now but would really prefer to upcycle some used ones. Maybe Kilner jars would do…

I’ve also done a bit of festive cooking inspired by Pinterest, namely a Christmas tree breadstick creation. Like many others who had a go at this one, I shared my effort on Pinterest and was heartened to see what a mess some people made of it. Mine wasn’t too bad if I do say so myself.

I also had a bash at Brie and Cranberry bites. As I’m the only one here, including the dog, who likes like Brie or cranberries I had to eat them all myself. Shame, wasn’t it. They weren’t as photogenic as the ones on Pinterest that inspired me, but they tasted fine. Anything with Brie in it tastes fine to me. I was too proud to take a picture of them because they looked a bit sad. Besides, I’d eaten them before I thought of it.

I did attempt to make sweet potato crisps, but that was such a fiasco that I can’t bear to talk about it. However, there is plenty more inspiration on Pinterest. 

Anyone got any Ball and Mason jars they don't want? 
I'll settle for Kilner.

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